James C. Lin is Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois Chicago, where he has served as Head of the Bioengineering Department, Director of the Robotics and Automation Laboratory, and Director of Special Projects in Engineering. He held professorships in electrical and computer engineering, bioengineering, physiology and biophysics, and physical and rehabilitation medicine. He received the BS, MS and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Washington, Seattle.
Professor Lin is a Fellow of AAAS, AIMBE and URSI, and a Life Fellow of IEEE. He is recognized as a ScholarGPS Highly Ranked Scholar-Lifetime and an Elsevier Top Worldwide Scientists in their fields for Career Impact. He held a NSC Research Chair (1993 to 1997) and served for many years as an IEEE-EMBS distinguished lecturer. He is a recipient of the d’Arsonval Medal from the Bioelectromagnetics Society, IEEE EMC Transactions Prize Paper Award, IEEE COMAR Recognition Award, and CAPAMA Outstanding Leadership and Service Awards. He served as a member of U.S. President’s Committee for National Medal of Science (1992 and 1993) and as Chairman of Chinese American Academic & Professional Convention (1993).
Dr. Lin has served in leadership positions of several scientific and professional organizations including President of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, Chairman of the International Scientific Radio Union (URSI) Commission on Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine, Co-Chair of URSI Inter-Commission Working Group on Solar Power Satellite, Chairman of the IEEE Committee on Man and Radiation, Vice President US National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), and member of International Commission on Nonionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). He also served on numerous advisory committees and panels for the U.S. Congress, Office of the U.S. President, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Marconi Foundation, and the World Health Organization.
Professor Lin has edited 11 and authored 4 books including Noninvasive Physiological Measurement: Wireless Microwave Sensing (CRC Press, 2024) and Auditory Effects of Microwave Radiation (Springer, 2021), authored 450 journal papers, magazine articles and book chapters, and made over 300 conference presentations. He has made many fundamental scientific contributions to electromagnetics in biology and medicine including microwave auditory effects and microwave thermoacoustic tomography. He has pioneered several medical applications of RF and microwave energies including invention of minimally invasive microwave ablation treatment for cardiac arrhythmia, and noncontact and noninvasive microwave sensing of physiological signatures and vital signs. He has chaired several international conferences including IEEE, BEMS and ICST (founding chairman of Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - MobiHealth Conference). He was Editor-in-Chief of the Bioelectromagnetics journal from 2006 to 2022, served as magazine columnist, book series editor, guest editor and member of the editorial boards of several journals. A member of Sigma Xi, Phi Tau Phi, Tau Beta Pi, and Golden Key honorary societies, and listed in American Men and Women of Science, Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in Engineering, Who’s Who in the World, and Men of Achievement, among others.